Tuesday, November 22, 2005

We're off to the Mexican Food Capital for the Holidays (Texas, of course). I love Thanksgiving and can't wait to see Kevin's family. We haven't seen them in nearly a year. Kevin is off all week playing Mr. Mom cleaning, packing, etc. I have to work but at least this way he has to take the dogs to the kennel and I can pretend that they are resting comfortably at home rather than living five days confined to a cage. True confession: I have never taken my dogs to a kennel and not left crying my face off. What am I going to do with a baby!!

I'm meeting my friend I grew up with (hi candice) and my sister, all who are pregnant so we can snap a momento of this event. I can't wait to see us together. We all will be different sizes because delivery goes: Tammie, Candice, then me. I'll post a pic once we get it. Hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Pearson Family said...

I am glad you made it to Texas...and so close to us. I am sorry we didn't get to run into you guys while you were visiting Mike and Jodi. She said you look so cute pregnant! Hang in there, and try to enjoy it, it goes by so fast. It feels like in a blink of an eye here I am with only 1.5 months to go!
Paige (Bowden) Pearson