Thursday, May 25, 2006

Meredith's way more interested in Nora's bow than taking a picture
This was after about 12 pictures...we got them both semi-looking at the camera
We realized this was the easiest way to capture these two cuties. Just hold them up...

Nora is getting to spend lots of time with my friend Kate's daughter, Meredith today. After mucho babysitter drama, Kate watched Nora for me today until noon, then I'm keeping Meredith tonight. It's great to have friends to help out. Speaking of the trauma, we had our second babysitter fall through and I refuse to put her in day care, so I'm in the process of making some tough decisions. I am trying to work it out so I can stay home with her. If you think about it, say a prayer for us. I'm abandoning a job I love and may never get back if I leave, but the reward is so much greater. I'll have to decide soon so your prayers are coveted.

In the meantime, I'm going to play with Nora and Meredith tonight and enjoy life with two babies in the house. . .


mcjacobsjournal said...

Ang, I know this is a tough decision and one that is SO hard to make, especially when you have a job that you love and that makes such a difference for so many. I will be praying that everything works out perfectly for all of you.

I didn't realize that you had been having babysitting trouble----I know that could NOT have been fun. I'm sorry you've had to deal with that while finishing the school year.

Keep us posted on how it's going!

angie c said...

I'm sort of overreacting about the babysitter thing...she went to this lady that was going to split one week on, one week off with my friend Amanda and HATED it. She loves amanda's house, but for some reason she screamed, wouldn't take a bottle, gagged and spit out her bottle, etc. so she was there three hours and I went and picked her up then cried all night telling Kevin I would never take her back to that girl's house. (In her defense, she has a two year old and 7 week old..I don't know what I was thinking that it would even work in the first place). We were stuck because there was no one to keep her Monday, much less the rest of next school year. That's when I told Kevin this isn't worth it. I'd rather be poor. We'll see...hopefully we'll make it work.

Candice said...

Nora's so sweet and she has an awesome mommy! I love you!

Pearson Family said...

You will make the right decision. I will be praying for you.

1literatimommy said...

you guys are in our prayers! i know that no matter what you decide to do, it will be the right decision for you and your beautiful new family.

jaime s said...

Ang--- My vote is to make the sacrifices and stay home. You won't regret it. I really enjoy my job too and after the first week back I started to think that maybe I would want to keep working (this was after working with some severely disabled preschoolers. One who was COMPLETELY nonverbal until I started working with her. One day after some practice she started making her bilabial sounds (b,p,m). It was REALLY COOL...her teachers (and me) were all totally floored. It was a really neat feeling. Then, I started thinking of Faith and how I feel when I am with her. No comparison...I'd rather be with her all day raising her and watching her reach her milestones. So we decided to cut what we need to and I am staying home after this school year. I will probaby go back after all our kids are in school to help out with college funds, etc. I know it seems like it's totally necessary to work right now but you'd be amazed how things work out.

We will be praying for you and your family! Call me if you want to!

Love you!


jaime s said...

I forgot to mention how CUTE Nora is! I LOVE looking at her pics.

P.S. We saw her pic in Harding Academy's Focus magazine. Faith made the same issue under alum news.


Anonymous said...

When Trey and I became pregnant with Emilie we had been married 6 months and I decided to stay home with her. Trey was making about 25,000 and we had more going out then coming in. God was so faithful. We learned sometimes the hard way what we really needed. I would not have changed it for anything. One day you could even teach preschool or a mothers day out and she could go with you for free. Once they are in school you could go back because it flies by. Now Emilie is getting ready to start the first grade. I will be praying no matter what you decide that you will have peace!!!!! Nora is so loved and is doing so well! You are doing a great job!
Love you,
Lauren Thompson