Monday, May 01, 2006


Nora playing with her toy that makes noise...she loves to look at the lights and bright colors
Nora just being cute
Nora and mom after her sixth day at the babysitters
Her new favorite thing: smiling

Today is Nora's two month birthday! She now can smile when we make stupid faces in front of her, she's interested in reading books and actually looks at the book, she holds her head up, likes to stand on mom and dad's legs and practice her leg strength, and she's way bigger! We have to get shots on Wednesday so I think I need way more mental preparation that she will. I've got my bottle of Children's Tylenol ready...


tamandscott said...

Happy two months, Nora!

Anonymous said...

I love all of the pictures, but especially the second one "Nora just being cute". You need to frame that one. She is so precious! She is changing every day. She's so big!


mcjacobsjournal said...

What a fun birthday!! Happy two months, Nora. She is SO cute!!!

Anonymous said...

She rocks!