Friday, June 09, 2006

Kevin is spending quality Nora time before I leave for Texas with mom. It's been so nice having her here to help out while I finished up work. I'm officially done with working full time for a while. I'm SO excited to have more time with NKC. I now get a month off then start back up part time. We're still working out the details but it should be so much better.
I feel sort of guilty for taking Nora away from Kevin for so long because I know she'll grow a ton while we are gone. I've already promised a picture e-mailed to him everyday.

I miss Texas. I'm looking forward to Taco Casa, Taco Bueno, Taco Cabana, Pappasitos, LaMadeline, Corner Bakery, great shopping.....and Nora gets to meet my grandmother and aunts/uncles for the first time. Can't wait. . .


Candice said...

I'm so happy you've reached a more peaceful phase of mommyhood. Have fun in Tejas. Eat a bean burrito for me.

Go Mavs!!!

mcjacobsjournal said...

And she's meeting Auntie Chelsea for the first time....I'm sure you didn't mean to forget that on your list of Texas greats.

Looking forward to it!! :)

Unknown said...

Okay, so have some free bread, butter and jam and La Madeline for me. If you want, you can pay for some berries and cream. But why, when the rest is free? I love that place. And at Taco Bueno, eat a MexiDips and Chips in my honor. That should cover it for now.

Oh, and a #6 at Whataburger.


tamandscott said...

I just rocked Nora to sleep. Who's jealous? :) I love her.