Sunday, May 03, 2009

Thanks for the well wishes. We're all beyond excited.

Also soooo excited to find this beautiful rose in my rose bush this week. Typically everything I touch dies, so this is was a nice surprise to our day.

Just a few pictures of Nora and what she's been up to lately. She's so into helping me around the house and I'm trying to take advantage. She has chores of putting her clothes in the hamper and little things like that. We implemented that recently and she's doing great. At first I was paranoid about the length between Nora and this baby, but the more she's helping out around the house the more I think this distance will be a major blessing for us.

She's always been a mother hen as evidenced by this picture, and I can't wait to see how she grows in this department. What a great big sister to have! :)


Candice said...

I love being able to cut beautiful roses from my yard and have them around my house. I hope your rose bush gives you lots more.

Nora is such a cutie and she will be an excellent big sister. She will be a great help to you.

Ashley said...

You know how thrilled I am about Conway #2! Love you, girl!