Sunday, March 01, 2009

There's nothing like waking up to your March 1st birthday with 5 inches of snow on the ground.

Nora had a fun start to her birthday playing in the snow with daddy

Playing with her new toys

Eating lots of ice cream since we forgot about that small detail at her party and have tons in the freezer now. . .

and snuggling up with mommy to watch Willy Wonka.

It was a nice day to be stuck inside. . .


tamandscott said...

Happy birthday cutie patootie. Jealous of the snow!!

candice said...

Happy Bday Nora! 5 inches? We got maybe an inch and it was gone by the afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Ang, you seriously have a photography gift--and you can't keep saying it is just your awesome camera (although I am sure that helps). Some of the ideas you have of the shots you take are so good! I feel like I am looking at a photographer blog in most of these pics--except the yoga dude's butt (I admittedly threw up in my mouth a little with that one).
Scott S.