Sunday, April 05, 2009

Still Here

I'm such a slack, but mostly because our computer is SO awfully slow. We went and bought a new one this weekend so things are looking up. I've been a PC user forever but just switched to a Mac, so I have no idea how to even upload a picture. It definitely will mean more posts once I figure it out.

We've been having lots of fun around here. Nora is at such an inquisitive age and uses the word why every 5 seconds, and most of her questions are about Jesus. The other day we were driving home from the apple store and she asked why Jesus made computers. It was a great opportunity to explain how he wanted to spread his story all over the world, and now with computers, everyone could hear the gospel!

Our church normally doesn't have service at night, but during a transition time right now we are having what's called a celebration service where they dedicate babies, introduce new members and baptize members. There is no childcare so Nora was with me during the service. I knew there would be millions of "why" questions coming my way after people were "taking a bath" on the stage, so I prepared my answer. The only way I could think of explaining it on a 3 year old level was that we are baptized so we can wash away all of our bad choices, then Jesus cleans you up. She seemed to get that. If anyone has a better way to explain this, let me know.

We're still working on an answer to why Jesus made peanut butter. ??

Although the constant talking (I mean, constant talking) drives me out of my head most days, I'm trying to remember my job right now is to disciple my child. She is at such an impressionable age that it's exciting to teach her.

We're all looking forward to the end of the school year because that means two words for us: the beach. We can't wait!! Nora asks everyday (surprise) if it's time for the beach yet. It's our first trip to the beach as a family (well, ever unless you count Galveston or South Padre Island) so we're all sooooo excited and so ready for a vacation. In Tennessee, people totally overreact if you've never been to Florida. Apparently it's like Texans never going to Colorado. So, it will be our first trip to Florida. I'm so glad because I'm sick of the reactions we get when we tell people we've never been.

We had a great visit from Kevin's mom, Margie, but I can't upload pictures since I don't know how yet. She came to help Kevin out when I was in St. Louis and then Texas for a reunion with several girls from college. I had such a great time catching up with those girls and we even had some time worshiping together which was so fun.

This is the potential for being super long since I'm just chillin in front of the tv while typing it, but I'll spare you. Once I figure out the pictures I can't upload more. For now, we're still alive, still doing what we do everyday...and I'll try to be better about recording it on this blog.


Ashley said...

Glad you are doing well. I have been thinking of you!

candice said...

Nice to read an update.

Can't believe you've never been to Florida.

Swiss Family Dunbar said...

The beach is less than 5 weeks!!