Saturday, July 25, 2009

Catch up

We had part of Kevin's family here for a week from Houston because our nephew, Ethan, had a baseball tournament. We were so glad to have them and Kevin and Nora lovvvved watching so much baseball. Not that I didn't love the baseball, too, but it was blazing hot so that ruined it for me. I stayed indoors and caught a few games when I could. Here's some pics of Ethan and Kev.

Nora went recently to ride a pony with her friend, AJ. Shelby Farms right down the road offers $5 pony rides at their stables. We got there and found out it's only for 5 minutes (which is ridiculous) but it turned out to be fine. Nora loved riding. Here she is with the most unfriendly tour guide on the planet. Dear unfriendly teenager, if you read this blog, I seriously had to hold myself back from complaining about you. You're incredibly rude. :)

Kevin and Nora went to Houston for a family reunion while I stayed back and got a weekend with my sister. We had a blast just hanging out with no kids. Lots of shopping, pedicures, relaxing at the pool. A much needed rest. Kevin, on the other hand, had tons of airport drama when he missed his flight, but once they arrived in Houston they had so much fun. Here's Nora with her cousins. They swam the night away at this resort in the Woodlands.

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I bought Nora this Ariel dress from the disney store. She slept in it that night. She's obsessed with Ariel right now.

We've had a very busy summer, but feel very blessed that we've been able to travel to the beach (which I just realized I hadn't posted about but there are pics on facebook). It's getting closer to the school year starting which means not long before baby sister arrives! So excited! :)

1 comment:

The Sandersons said...

do you have disney store near you? Ariel flipflops on sale for $2. Faith just got some. She wore her Belle (her fave) ones out. Now she LOVES her new ones!!