Saturday, October 17, 2009

Well, we're just weeks away from becoming a family of 4 and joyfully welcoming this little one to our home.

As I think about adding to our family, I start to reflect on how my first baby is all grown up. I look at pictures of her as a baby and can't believe the beautiful little girl she is becoming. It goes so, so fast.

When I pass by her big girl room it sometimes makes me sad, but I'm excited about embarking on a new journey with her as a "big sister". She'll be so great. She's SO excited about having a baby sister, as evidenced by her constant baby talk. Seriously- it's constant and it's constantly driving me insane. Guess she's practicing??

I love watching the creative side of Nora. She will sit for hours and work on "projects" at home. She loves to create anything, much like her daddy, and it's fun to see that part of her develop. I'm trying to soak in each minute with her before things get crazy. Here are a few of her latest creations.

I can't say enough about this guy. He's been working so hard making sure I'm comfortable, getting things accomplished from my "to do" lists, AND still attending his day job, all while trying to be the best father and husband he can be. Never complaining. Ever. I'm so, so blessed to be married to someone that is daily trying to better himself in every way. Love him.

As I close, I can't help but mention my ambivalence about posting this. Although this is my life right now, I know my longtime friend is probably reading and desperately wishing she was finishing up preparations for her new baby. We were 3 days apart in our pregnancies, but the Lord had other plans for her family. Not that I didn't know this before, but now more than ever, I realize what a gift a child is. It's a miracle from conception to birth, and a gift that none of us deserve. We all, as mothers and fathers, should take this gift just as it is- undeserved- but as another example of the Lord's deep love for his children. These children are not ours, but are put in our care for an unknown amount of time, and it is my prayer that Kevin and I take care of this new gift when the Lord decides to bring her into our lives. Please pray over us these next few weeks, and continue to lift up my friend, Chelsea, as we will both be experiencing different emotions in the coming days.


jaime s said...

Love your heart, Angie!!

Continuing our prayers for Chelsea and adding you and your family to our list as baby Margo prepares to meet her awesome Mama, Daddy and Big Sis!! How blessed is she???

Love pics of Nora! She is a dandy! (that's a word my Grandma uses and I LOVE it!!).

Love you!!

Ashley said...

Love you and I have treasured your friendship on this journey for both of us. You are a sweet and faithful friend.

Definitely keeping Chelsea in my prayers and thinking of her daily. Love you both

mcjacobsjournal said...

My sweet, sweet friend, PLEASE believe me when I say that I have nothing but pure JOY as I read about your sweet baby girl on her way!! I do appreciate your sweet prayers and words on this blog, and of course I would have loved nothing more than for our little ones to be friends (and eventual spouses) :)... but just as you said, God is good, and He lavishes love on us all. When He adds a child to our family, it is such a wonderful blessing from Him. And, I have been blessed THREE times with that amazing gift. I am truly thankful for those blessings, and appreciate them more now than ever before. I can't WAIT to meet your newest blessing either!!

(By the way, I hadn't heard the name!! SO CUTE!!! What's the middle name? I need to know! :)

I love you SO MUCH my friend. And, you will never know how much your love, support, and amazing thoughtfulness has meant to me during this time.

I will be lifting you up daily as you countdown the days to holding that sweet girl!

Julie said...

Angie, you are a sweet friend and others are blessed to have you in their close circles! We miss you but pray blessing on your family from a distance!

Can't wait to see the face of sweet Margo and watch how Nora grows in her role as big sis...hang in there!

Something I have realized over the last 2 1/2 weeks of being a new mom is that a husband/best friend/parenting partner is hard to beat and impossible to put a price on. So thankful for the ones we have!

taylord said...
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